Over the years various terms and
definitions have been used to describe the
interaction between plants and the pests or
pathogens which attack them causing
disease. The seed industry has now agreed
to define a number of standard terms
aimed at characterisation of this reaction. It
is important that all people in our industry
recognise and understand what these terms
mean when describing plant and pest
reactions. These terms are set out below:-
Immunity: Indicates plants would not be
subject to attack or disease infection by a
specified pest or pathogen.
Resistance: Due to the complex nature of
plant pest reactions, resistance has been
defined into two levels. These are highly
resistant and intermediate resistant.
Resistance is described as the ability of a
plant variety to restrict the growth and
development of a specified pest or
pathogen. Resistant plant varieties restrict
the damage that pests or pathogens cause
when compared to susceptible plant
varieties under similar growing
conditions and disease pressure. It should be noted that resistant varieties may
exhibit some disease symptoms or
damage under heavy pest pressure.
Highly resistant plant varieties would
highly restrict the growth and development
of the specified pest or pathogen under
normal growing conditions and pest
pressure when compared to susceptible
varieties. These plant varieties may,
however, exhibit some symptoms or
damage under heavy pest pressure or
stressful growing conditions.