Wild Storm Shreds Lettuce
Author: Steven Carruthers
Practical Hydroponics & Greenhouses
Wild storms and floods are a natural part of the
Australian landscape but they bring with them devastating
consequences including distress and disruption to business and
livelihoods. STEVEN CARRUTHERS reports on recent extreme weather
events in Queensland with a focus on risk management strategies
for growers.
The weather bureau reported wind speeds of
Open-air hydroponic lettuce and herb growers in south-east
Queensland ducked for cover when a wild storm ripped through
Harvey Bay, Maryborough, Childers and Bundaberg in early
February 2008. Although the weather bureau reported winds of
150kph, estimates in the Childers region put the wind speed much
higher. The violent wind snapped large gum trees, flattened
fences, crushed NFT growing tables, and shredded crops. The only
good news was the dams are overflowing.
Business partners Brian Ellis (left) and Dan
Buckley inspect the crop damage.
The network of lettuce and salad growers under the 'Clean
Green' label reported two hydroponic NFT farms severely
damaged with crop losses of 75%, and two farms moderately
damaged with a combined crop loss of 20%. The collective damage
bill, including clean-up costs, was estimated at over $100,000.
Although the growers had infrastructure insurance, they were not
covered for clean-up costs or crop losses.
Fallen trees and flying vegetation caused much
of the damage.
The wild storm brought with it hail and heavy rain, but it was
the driving wind that snapped tree trunks, stripped branches and
defoliated towering gum trees that caused much of the damage.
'The whole district was flattened, strewn with broken trees
and native vegetation,' said Brian Ellis, the principal grower
at Clean Green Hydro.
'It did quite a lot of damage to our farm including damage to
fences, several growing tables, one shed, refrigerated vehicles,
and it shredded 75% of our crop. The financial loss will be
quite heavy, but we have a very solid business and we will
survive and prosper,' he added.

Violent winds snapped gum trees that in turn
crushed NFT tables |
Brian said that the damage could have been a lot worse. A bamboo
windbreak planted along the front of the 5ha property acted as a
wind shield to a degree. Additionally, the building structures
are cyclone rated and survived the storm, except one shed that
was damaged by a fallen gum tree. Unfortunately, the
refrigerated vans were parked near large gum trees and there
wasn't enough time to move them. The damage was extensive.
The 5ha Clean
Green operation was strewn with broken trees and native
The propagation nursery was protected to a large extent by the
pack shed nearby, which was cyclone rated. However, some of the
growing tables were not so lucky and were crushed by fallen
trees and branches. The wild wind also shredded the majority of
the lettuce and salad crop on those tables left standing.
'With the storm travelling from north to south, the same
direction as the tables, the damage wasn't as bad as it could
have been if the wind was travelling east-west,' commented
business partner Dan Buckley.
While the district experienced a complete power failure, the
Clean Green operation had purchased an automatic back-up power
generator from Brisbane-based Genelite a few weeks before
Christmas 2007.
Fortuitously, the generator had been calibrated by technicians
only a few days before the storm struck, and it kicked in
flawlessly within minutes of the power failure.
'The 'gen' equipment sensed the power failure and
automatically switched the generator on to power the
refrigeration shed, RO equipment, computers, pump sheds and
lights. The main problems were keeping the tanks from
overflowing and filters from clogging,' Dan said.
In a land frequently ravished by droughts and floods, Australian
farmers are renowned for their resilience and hydroponic growers
are no different. Typical of many rural farmers, Brian and Dan
put a brave face on their loss.
'We can shut down and totally sterilise most of our salad
systems,' Brian remarked. 'This is the first time in 6 years
that we have been able to do this and it will be like starting
new again.'
'We recently tried to work out how to get rid of a few trees
that we felt were a danger, but we were having trouble doing
this due to the closeness of infrastructure. Now the problem is
solved,' Dan added.
Unlike many industries, there are no counselling services to
help rural farmers and their families through the emotional
turmoil following a force majeure. As would be expected, Brian
and Dan went through a kaleidoscope of emotions when they
inspected the damage to their salad farm operation.
'That first 24 hours was a head spin, flat-out trying to clean
up and make sense of it. I was enroute from Brisbane when the
storm struck and it was dark when I arrived back at the farm.
The next day I had time to look around and take stock; that's
when reality really set in. That was the hard day,' reflected
Despite the crop losses, customers, suppliers and employees
stuck by the Clean Green team who were back in business and
harvesting fresh lettuce and salad crops within three weeks of
the storm.
'Times like this give us renewed appreciation for our friends,
family, employees, customers and suppliers. They have all been
great,' said Brian.
'Dan rang our employees the evening of the storm. The next
morning they were all there early with a number of our friends
with chainsaws and trailers to assist with the clean-up. We have
a great team and are very appreciative of them. They worked
their butts off that day in hot and extremely humid conditions.'
'This industry can wear you down after a few years and it
sometimes takes something like this to motivate us into mentally
regrouping ready for a new charge,' continued Brian. 'We
will learn from this, make a few changes and move forward,' he
Clean Green Hydro is insured by AON Risk Services (www.aon.com.au),
a farm insurance specialist underwritten by CGU.
Farm vehicles were extensively damaged.
'They were excellent,' commented Brian. 'I rang our
Bundaberg-based broker on Friday and left a message. He called
first thing Saturday and arranged for one of our vehicles to
have a new windscreen fitted that day so at least we had a
fridge van for Monday. He made sure he was contactable
throughout the weekend, which made things much easier for us.
The assessor arrived first thing Monday morning and was also
very efficient.'
Growers can expect more extreme weather events
In addition to wild, violent storms, growers in Queensland and
northern New South Wales have been inundated with heavy rains
and floodwaters since late December 2007, with two-thirds of
Queensland underwater and declared national disaster areas. How
quickly the landscape has changed following a prolonged drought.
At its height, floodwaters covered two-thirds
of Queensland.
The heavy rains were the result of intense monsoon troughs that
swept across northern Australia during the 2007-08 monsoon
season. If you talk to the locals they will tell you this year's
wet season is how it was before the drought. However, it would
be foolhardy to think the seasons are normalising. At a recent
climate change workshop organised by Growcom, an advocate
organisation for the Queensland horticulture industry, grower
delegates were warned to expect more intense storms and heavy
rainfall for some time yet.
Flood waters can take several days to flow
According to south-east Queensland parsley growers Lisa and Ray
Crooks from Riverview Herbs, the heavy rains need to happen to
replenish the under-ground aquafiers and to fill many dry dams.
'This will create sustainability in the long run,' said
'We were fortunate with the floods,' she continued. 'The
local river normally sits at half a metre, reached the 15 metre
mark and luckily didn't reach over the banks. Our issue was
the back-up water from the river covering the entrance to the
farm. This only lasts about two days when it happens.'
Floodwaters inundate this grower camp in the
Beaudesert district.
Lisa and Ray own two farms in the Beaudesert district growing
parsley in the ground and in raised hydroponic media beds. As
long-time growers, they have experienced the emotional
rollercoaster ride that comes with drought, storms and flood and
they have developed some fundamental risk management strategies
to minimise potential damage.
'When flooding is predicted, a lot of the harvested (plant)
stock is bought back to this farm and stored in the cold room,'
explains Lisa. 'Ray has been a great weather man for many
years; I knew he was expecting a great wet this year because I
got my first clothes dryer for Christmas.
'When he prepares the land for summer, he always hills up the
media rows as high as he can go,' she added.
Lisa advises that the internet is a great farming tool. For
Australian growers, she recommends the Bureau of Meteorology (www.bom.gov.au).
The Bureau's weather services encompass a wide range of
forecasts, warnings, current weather observations and
information services to the general public, national and
international shipping and aviation, the Department of Defence
and other groups. A number of offices around the country issue
forecast warnings and other weather information and maintain a
24-hour, seven days a week weather watch service.
'From this website, we watch the weather, and forecasts, the
rainfall data, and the river heights. We can have no rain here,
yet up on the range further down the Logan River they may have a
downpour which we can expect to see in two days time with rising
river levels.
'As growers you try to implement risk management strategies as
much as possible but no matter how hard you work, the likelihood
of being affected by floods, mini cyclones, hail, etc., is a
reality at some time during your farming life. It is how you
deal with the situation that matters most,' she said.
Risk management strategies
So what can growers learn from these events to prevent or
minimise farm damage during bad weather and extreme weather
Weather monitoring
By monitoring the weather growers can prepare for bad weather by
'battening down the hatches'. For floodwaters and violent
storms, this means sandbagging flood prone infrastructure and
securing all loose items so that they don't become flying
missiles or floating obstacles. During Cyclone Tracy that
devastated Darwin on Christmas eve 1974, the coastal buildings
suffered little damage compared to inland structures that were
flattened by a wave of flying debris that multiplied the further
the cyclone travelled inland.
The weather bureau is also the first place growers should go
before building new infrastructure to support hydroponic and
greenhouse operations. The bureau offers detailed historical
weather statistics for regions throughout Australia. However,
violent storms and floods can and do occur anywhere and anytime
in Australia, from the alpine regions of Tasmania to the
tropical rainforests of northern Australia, and everywhere in
between. Extreme weather events can also be unpredictable and
arrive unexpectedly.
Building guidelines Valuable information on building codes and local regulations can
be obtained from your Shire Council. Greenhouse and system
installation suppliers are also happy to supply technical
information to back up the strength and integrity of their
designs. More building guidelines can be found in the
publications, Building a Greenhouse and Guidelines for the
development of controlled environment horticulture, available
from the NSW Department of Primary Industries
Collectively, this information should give growers a clear
understanding of what sort of infrastructure is required to
withstand an extreme weather event in your region. Be sure to
check the 100-year flood level.
Windbreaks Risk management strategies can also include the establishment of
windbreaks, which should be located a suitable distance away
from farm infrastructure to prevent crop shadowing as well as
crop and building damage from falling trees. Check with your
district horticulturist for the most suitable tree species to
plant for windbreaks in your area.
Tree and shrub windbreaks are also valuable conservation tools
with many functions. Their benefits include:
' Crop protection - Windbreaks can increase crop yields up to
(http://extension.usu.edu/files/natrpubs/ff005.pdf). Wind
protection reduces crop water use, increases a plant's ability
to make food, and may increase pollination. The quality of fruit
and other high value crops can be increased due to reduced sand
and soil abrasion.
' Reduced soil erosion - Windbreaks prevent wind erosion for
10 to 20 times their height downwind. They also filter
wind-blown soil particles from the air.
' Energy conservation - Windbreaks can reduce winter heating
costs 20 to 40% by reducing cold air infiltration into
buildings. In summer, water evaporation from leaves directly
cools the air.
There are also other benefits in windbreaks including a home for
wildlife, visual beauty, and tree products such as firewood.
Hail netting
For open-air hydroponic growers, the case for hail netting is
strong and it should be considered in any risk management
'Most netting structures we manufacture and install are able
to withstand wind loads up to 147kph and greater,' said
Warwick Fletcher from Ballina-based Coast Guard Netting
'The higher the shade factor, the closer together the cross
cable span, the higher the wind rating,' he added.
By example, Warwick points to a netting structure on a
production nursery in far-north Queensland that withstood wind
speeds of 240kph (150mph) when Cyclone Larry struck during the
2005-06 Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclone season. The
covering had a shade factor of 40% with cross cables every 6
'Only the side walls were blown out by the cyclone,'
commented Warwick.
What makes these covers work so well is the structural system.
The netting uses steel cross cables over the netting, which are
high tensioned to give the structure rigidity and a long life
span. They call this innovative system a 'cable span'
structure. The pole supports are buried 1 metre in the ground
and the cable rods (ends) are anchored to treated logs that are
buried 2 metres underground. The cross cables are tensioned to 2
tonne and have a 5.2 tonne breaking strain.
'Once the cross cables are tensioned there is no movement,'
explains Warwick. 'The cross cables and anchors are designed
to put the poles under compression,' he added.
Warwick commented that a properly designed and installed hail
net structure with side walls would have withstood the driving
winds experienced by the Childers growers and prevented or
minimised crop damage.
The benefits of hail netting are primarily weather-related.
However, from a grower perspective, the downside is loss of
colour in leafy crops and, of course, the installation cost.
Back-up systems
Back-up systems such as an emergency generator to restore power
are another risk management strategy. However, power generators
come at a cost that may be prohibitive for small operators.
Standby generators are either engine driven or tractor driven.
Either type can be stationary or portable. Engine driven units
can be either manual or automatic start. Petrol, LP gas (bottled
gas) and diesel-fuel engines are available.
Generators must provide the same type of power at the same
voltage and frequency as that supplied by power lines. An
air-cooled engine is often used for generators up to 15
kilowatts. A liquid-cooled engine is necessary for generators
larger than 15 kilowatts. Engine capacity of 2 to 21/4 hp with
the proper drive system must be available for each 1,000 watts
of generator output.
Automatic engine-powered, full-load systems will begin to
furnish power immediately, or up to 30 seconds after power is
off. Smaller and less expensive part-load systems may be enough
to handle essential equipment during an emergency.
Farm insurance Not all insurers will provide cover for tempest or flood damage,
sometimes referred to as 'Special Perils'. A 'tempest'
is defined as a violent windstorm, frequently accompanied by
rain, snow, or hail, and a 'flood' is defined as water from
a river, creek, lake, reservoir, dam or navigable canal that
overflows onto normally dry land. You can be insured for flood
damage caused by a broken pipe, but not for floodwaters spilling
from a waterway. Damage from a tempest or floodwaters are seldom
part of basic property insurance policies, and generally have to
be added separately.
Make sure infrastructure such as farm vehicles are insured. Not
all insurers include farm vehicles as part of their policy.
Few insurers cover clean-up costs, unless felled trees or other
storm debris lie across infrastructure that needs to be repaired
or replaced. Crop loss is another area difficult to get cover.
One insurer that does cover clean-up cost and crop loss is
Agricola Crop Insurance, the largest insurer of agriculture
crops in Australia and New Zealand. Agricola specialise in
protection against damage to greenhouses and crops (on an agreed
value) in the one policy. Outdoor plant and propagation
nurseries may be covered as well as other buildings directly
associated with the business, such as packing sheds and cool
'The policy has been designed to meet the particular needs of
today's greenhouse and nursery producers,' said Agricola's
Rebecca Walkerden, 'but the greenhouse policy does not cover
open-air hydroponic crop production, nor does it cover trucks
and vans '“ only assets directly associated with a greenhouse.'
Events insured against by Agricola include storm (including
hail), water damage, fire, smoke damage, lightning, explosion,
malicious damage, impact and earthquake. The Agricola policy
includes a standard $15,000 clean-up cost, which can be
increased for a higher premium. The policy also covers business
interruption, machinery breakdown, electronic equipment,
burglary and money lost or stolen during transit. The Agriocola
policy can be viewed or downloaded from the insurer's website
Generally, the insurance industry has been slow to respond to
insurance claims following a spate of extreme weather events up
and down the east coast of Australia over recent months, and you
can bet insurance premiums will soon rise.
Agricola Crop Insurance
AON Risk Services
Building a Greenhouse
Bureau of Meterology
Guidelines for the development of controlled environment
Utah State University Extension: Windbreaks Benefits and Design
http://extension.usu.edu/files/natrpubs/ff005.pdf |