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Process Pictures


The machine proceeds along the row at right angles to the trees.

When the head of the shaker is opposite a tree trunk, it advances telescopically towards the trunk and the height of the shaker head is adjusted to an appropriate area of the trunk, which is then clamped by the rubber pads of the shaker.

After the shaker head has been clamped to the tree trunk at the desired pressure, the shaking operation takes place lasting for 5 seconds. During these 5 seconds, 80-90 percent of the fruit is separated from the tree and falls onto the collection sheets.


Harvesting efficiency is influenced by several factors, among them the ripeness of the fruit, and its size and type. The rate of harvesting is 2 trees per minute with work separated into two components: 1. Shaking down the fruit from the tree to the collection sheets. 2. Unloading the fruit from the sheets into containers.


Transferring olives from the black gathering nets to the white collection nets.
Transferring the contents of the collection nets to the front loader of the tractor.
Emptying the front loader into bins.


The shaker removes the fruit from the tree and rolls it down to the collection frame on the other side of the tree. The collector transfers the fruit by means of elevator conveyors to a standard bin.

Stationing an additional worker for the two machines to help in removing the olives from the lower branches.


In an olive vineyard that has not been suitably prepared for mechanical harvesting and where the operator can't see the tree trunk the shaker can be operated by remote control.

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Technical Information


( An agricultural tractor is required, with a capacity of 60 h.P )

Weight of machine - 800 kg.

Telescopic arms - 1.1 meter

Vertical adjustment - 0.8 meter



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