Product :   PALMS ISRAEL

General Information  |  Process Pictures  |  Demo Clips  |




General Information



The Palm fruit-harvesting machine is built from a harvesting frame with a shaker assembled below, mounted on a tractor with front loader that is capable of harvesting up to a height of 12m. The harvester frame locks round the date fruit branches hydraulically and the shaker locks onto the palm trunk.

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process pictures


1. When penetrating towards the tree, the harvesting frame is horizontal.

2. For harvesting, the frame leans at an angle of 5° to allow the fruit to roll down during shaking.

3. During unloading, the angle is increased to 25° for emptying the fruit into the crates.

The machine is capable of selective harvesting

of the prestigious Majul variety and one-off harvesting of other types.

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Demo Clips






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